Yahoo president takes Korean market seriously

Other | 2007/10/24 13:13 | Web 2.0 Asia
사용자 삽입 이미지
(Via inews24) Yahoo's president Susan Decker visited Korea yesterday, in time for Yahoo Korea's 10-year anniversary.

Unlike in Japan, where Yahoo is maintaining a dominant market position, Yahoo Korea is trailing local leaders such as Naver, Daum, and Nate+Cyworld. (As a side note, it would perhaps be more appropriate to call Yahoo Japan a Softbank-owned local entity rather than a subsidiary of the Sunnyvale company.)

Susan said Yahoo is regarding Korean market very importantly and some of Yahoo's services came from best-practice Korean services. Most notable is Yahoo! Answers which Yahoo openly admits it had benchmarked Naver Knowledge iN Q&A service.

So what's the strategy to win back Korean users from Naver? According to Susan, the key strategies will be personalization, open API, and more efficient search ads. Yahoo claims Overture still controls 80%+ online ads network market in Korea, and the new acqusitions such as Right Media will also help strengthen Yahoo's position in Korean online ads market.
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