What % of your front page content is news?

Web 2.0 | 2008/07/15 18:06 | Web 2.0 Asia
사용자 삽입 이미지
The other day, a senator from Korea's ruling Hannara Party proposed a law that can at best be described as "weird".

According to the proposed "Internet Newspaper Law", if over 50% of a given website's front page content is found to be of journalistic nature, the website will be classified as "an internet newspaper site" and will have to follow relevant laws that are currently enforced on traditional media companies. On the other hand (I think this is even funnier), according to the proposal, if less than 50% of a website's front page content is of journalistic nature, then the website is defined as a "non-news site", and such a site cannot undertake any media activities such as reporting news or making commentaries.

So how do you measure "50% of the front page content" anyway? Or, what if a website filled exactly 48% of its front page with news, if such measurement can ever be done? (According to the proposal, such a website cannot be deemed as an internet news site and therefore shouldn't put up news content on their sites.) All I can say is the politicians *so* don't get it - anywhere in the world, even in this cutting-edge Korean society. I certainly hope this laughable proposal won't pass.
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