1 Articles for 'green'

  1. 2007/09/29 "Green search" by Goo Japan

"Green search" by Goo Japan

Other | 2007/09/29 00:00 | Web 2.0 Asia
(Via Hatena) Cleantech is white-hot around the world. As an environmentally conscious person working in the IT sector, I sometimes wonder if there can be a "bridging" solution that brings innovation to both the internet world and the cleantech world. An example for such a bridging solution can be a technology that can lower the power consumption by servers.

SIlicon Valley companies like Google and Yahoo seem to embrace the cleantech very actively these days. back in May, and (The founders of Google are investors in Tesla Motors, which will produce an electric car that goes 0-60 in 4 seconds).

But when it comes to caring for the environment, not many people are so much ahead of the Japanese. Having lived in Japan for half an year, I can attest that many Japanese people care about mother nature (maybe except for the obviously excessive use of plastic packagings everywhere). After all, it's the Japanese who brought hybrid cars to the world!

Goo, a Japanese search and content portal site, is undertaking a campaign called "Goo Search, Green Label". Goo will donate 15% of the ads profit made from searches done on the Green Label search site to an environment NGO, Foe Japan.

The site also displays the number of searches made on the Green Label site, with trees - a tree means 100 searches. Now there are 5,347 trees.

The Green Label search site will be up until November 21, so it's not a permanent initiative. But I think Goo's Green Label search is a lot more realistic an approach than , thereby saving electricity.

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